First up! We have the touching finale of Benjirou. A little sad, but uplifting, just the way we like it. Huggles again to yanbang and kure for giving us this little gem! Also: the start of volume 10 (!!) of Neko Mix, which is just the weirdest little plot arc. Enjoy!
Benjirou of the Attic c05 [DL] [Read] (manga complete!)
Neko Mix Genkitan Toraji v10 c30 [DL] [Read]
Also, two little notes! First of all, Itsuya-san is going to be released in English! Check out our licensed page for info and please support the English release if you’re a fan. Per our policy, the project has been taken down from the site.
Finally, who wants to become a quality control guru at LSD!? If I can train someone up, it’d majorly free me to up translate more stuff. No experience of any sort needed, just lots of time and attention to detail (and willingness to become my clone). More info about what the job entails is here. Someone come and do it for me =D