Blue Light
More stuff! =D A surprise in Lovely Land; multiple little Candy chapters; it all comes together in In the Night; Ken takes a trip; and magic happens in Yami.
A Lovely Lonely Land c03 [DL] [Read]
Bad Candy You Give Me c06-08 [DL6 DL7 DL8] [Read]
In the Night Comes a Girl c06 [DL] [Read]
Little Ken and a Cat. Sometimes a Duck c08 [DL] [Read]
Yami no Moribito v03 c18 [DL] [Read]
We’re also about to finish off many of these short projects in the coming weeks. Naturally, we have more things in the works:
Hikari no Umi (Kodama Yuki) (lovely josei)
Lily Lily Rose (Konno Kita) (lovely josei)
Missing Link (Okano Reiko) (strange josei)