A Tale of Royal Disturbance: Now He’s Gone from Echo Valley
“A Tale of Royal Disturbance: Now He’s Gone from Echo Valley”
Kodama no Tani: Ouritsu Daigaku Souran-geki
(コダマの谷 王立大学騒乱劇)
by Irie Aki (入江亜季)
1 volume series
Genre: lovely > seinen > drama, slice of life
Summary: Neil Ryder is in no hurry to graduate from university. Though brilliant (he did earn that scholarship!), he uses his talents to make money instead. Meanwhile, the king is dying and the crown prince is missing…
Also includes “Fuku’s Many Travels,” diary-like entries of Fuku and his father’s adventures around the world.
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Chapter 1: released
Chapter 2: released
Chapter 3: released
Chapter 4: released
Chapter 5: released
Chapter 6: released
Chapter 7: released
Manga complete!
Chapter 1 Sample:
Thank you very much for your hard work and sharing, I’m happy to read!!