Waltzing at Sanzu River
Well, it’s our anniversary week. Five years old this Saturday! We decided to do something a little special, release a oneshot every day this week. The first is a dark one brought to us...
If the World Was Ending Tomorrow
Hello everyone! At the end of LGBTQ Pride Month, we have a BL-themed seinen sci-fi oneshot for you. I really like the atmosphere of this one and wanted to do it, so huggles to...
And something on the darker side. Huggles to Ximena and seris for editing this interesting one! Ringwanderung (リングワンデルング) by Moriizumi Takehito (森泉岳士) Genre: strange dark > seinen > psychological horror Summary: A young lady working in...
A Ghost Story
Happy Halloween, everyone! I actually totally forgot we usually do a special Halloween release, so we just managed to pull together one very cool oneshot for you (thanks to yanbang for editing~). I really...
The Message in the Rain Shower
We take a break from our regular programming for a nice (very) little oneshot. This one by the indie author Nerunodiasuki, who specializes in surreal situations and cat people. It manages to get a...
My Mother and Older Sister
“My Mother and Older Sister” Haha to Ane (母と姉) by Fuyumushi Kaiko (冬虫カイコ) 1 volume manga Genre: strange dark > seinen > psychological drama Summary: A girl struggles with her identity and her relationship with...
Snake Mountain
Today we have a rather serious story about the feelings of those left behind after a suicide. Nicely dark, with some rich emotional texture. Kudos to kure and Narumi for bringing it to us....
The White Book
“The White Book” Shiroi Hon no Monogatari (白い本の物語) by Shigematsu Narumi (重松成美) 1 volume series Genre: lovely > seinen > slice of life Summary: After his bibliophile father passed away, the boy Lucas sees a...