Kokage is a Witch
“Kokage is a Witch” Kokage-kun wa Majo (木陰くんは魔女) by KOMORI Youko (小森羊仔) 3 volume series Genre: lovely strange > josei > supernatural drama rom-com Summary: Yumeko dreams of being a pampered princess, but reality has...
“Kokage is a Witch” Kokage-kun wa Majo (木陰くんは魔女) by KOMORI Youko (小森羊仔) 3 volume series Genre: lovely strange > josei > supernatural drama rom-com Summary: Yumeko dreams of being a pampered princess, but reality has...
Today we have a slightly creepy cat oneshot for you! Courtesy of Minn and shielshi. Enjoy! The House of the Wood-Grain Cats by SUDA Shouko Genre: strange dark > shoujo > supernatural horror drama...
We have another oneshot today! It is in fact another kinda twisted dark one compliments of Chane (she has a type, haha!) and seris. Enjoy! Waking Whale (うつつくじら) by MUSASHI Riku (武蔵理久) Genre: strange...
“The Girl in a Faint” Kontou Shoujo (昏倒少女) by ANDOU Yuki (安藤ゆき) 1 volume collection of oneshots Genre: lovely > shoujo > drama, slice of life, romantic oneshots Summary: A collection of oneshots. Story 2,...
Another cat oneshot =D This one is on the creepy side. Hugs to Minn & shielshi for bringing it to us~ What Lives Within Your Eyes (瞳の奥に棲む者は) by Shimousa Kunio (下総国生) Genre: strange > shoujo...
One last bit of magic 🙂 This one brought to you by blob and Minn. Did I mention it’s full of cats? The Cat Witch (猫の魔女) by Oomiya Haruka (大宮ハルカ) Genre: lovely > josei > supernatural...
A ghost-themed oneshot that’s on the light and humorous side 🙂 Huggles to Chane, samara, and Ximena for bringing it to us, and hopefully everyone will enjoy a bit of levity this weekend! Ghost...
We have a lovely, wholesome oneshot for you today! Another one by Ume Sato 🙂 This is Minn’s first translation with us (thank you!), and yanbang knocked out the editing. We hope you like!...
A fun new find — the author Nikkuni Minami. She’s done a few short quirky things, so naturally, here we go! Thanks to BotanyRobot for telling us about her, and huggles to CanINot for...
We once again have a stack of oneshots ready to release 🙂 So! Expect some goodies. This one is brought to us by blob, our new editor. A nice character growth drama. Enjoy! Hello,...