Diving Cats
Hello everyone! Today we have the belated return of Neko Mix, mainly because I fell over on the job. The start of v8 (c24), as well as a revision for c23 due to a mistranslation that could confuse you moving forward (pg174, the mouse). My bad. Anyway! To make up for the big delay, we’ll have c25 released in the next week or two. Cats in the ocean? Sign me up!
Also: A rather depressing entry of Frau Trude; the wait is over in Ken; and Mayuko works through things in Sirius.
Neko Mix Genkitan Toraji v07 c23 version 2 [DL] [Read]
Neko Mix Genkitan Toraji v08 c24 [DL] [Read]
Little Ken and a Cat. Sometimes a Duck c11 [DL] [Read]
Frau Trude c03 [DL] [Read]
Sirius & Mayu v01 c05 [DL] [Read]
And one last (?) upcoming project:
Hoshi no Ko (Star Child) by Hashiba Mao (lovely shoujo)