Lookit the kitty. Also, murder.
So, as you might’ve imagined from us finishing all the things, we will now be starting all the things. Two today, and four more coming pretty soon. First we have a murder mystery from Fujiwara Kaoru. This is a much more family-friendly work of hers, though still a nice dark murder mystery. Huggles to kure and Cpt. Mischief for bringing it to us! Secondly, we have our first all-color work: a cute slice of life story about a boy and a cat. Huggles to Kat for the edits, and we hope you like!
Also: shit hits the fan in Yami no Moribito.
The Night Fish c01 [DL] [Read]
Little Ken and a Cat. Sometimes a Duck c01-02 [DL c01/c02] [Read]
Yami no Moribito v03 c16 [DL] [Read]