Invisible Mice
At long last, we have more Neko Mix. Had to skip it last month, but we’ll have another chapter next week to make up for that. And we’re back on schedule behind the scenes, so we should hopefully be back to our regular releases of this adorable, bizarre, and sometimes painful series. Huggles to Cpt. Mischief, Oduvagura, kuinni, and Ianu for sticking with this long (long!) series.
Neko Mix Genkitan Toraji v05 c16 [DL] [Read]
Also! Fans might want to know that Mushihime — which has been languishing on our potentials page — was picked up by another group. Likewise, White Note Pad, by the esteemed Yamashita Tomoko, has also been started. Check ’em out if you’re a fan!