Shirakabe Takumi


The Man From the Past

We have another oneshot by Shirakabe Takumi, scanlated by kurenai and seris 🙂 The Man From the Past (昔の男) by Shirakabe Takumi (白壁たくみ) Genre: lovely dark > josei > supernatural drama Summary: A woman at...


A Bud in Secret

Our next oneshot is short and sweet, compliments of kurenai and seris. A Bud in Secret (ひみつの蕾) by Shirakabe Takumi (白壁たくみ) Genre: lovely > josei > LGBTQ slice of life Summary: A young woman meets...


Long Past That Summer

Something on the melancholy side. Huggles to kure and yanbang for this one! Long Past That Summer (あの夏をすぎても) by Shirakabe Takumi (白壁たくみ) Genre: dark > josei > supernatural psychological romance Summary: One summer, Arata meets...