Right Beside You
“Right Beside You” Kimi no Tonari (きみのとなり) by Cherry aka Mizuki Hakase (水月博士) 1 volume manga Genre: lovely dark > josei > supernatural psychological drama Summary: Yotsuya Atsushi, a high school boy with a serious problem:...
“Right Beside You” Kimi no Tonari (きみのとなり) by Cherry aka Mizuki Hakase (水月博士) 1 volume manga Genre: lovely dark > josei > supernatural psychological drama Summary: Yotsuya Atsushi, a high school boy with a serious problem:...
So, I absolutely love this oneshot by one of our favorite authors, Tamura Yumi. Go read it — it’s short! Huggles to samara for editing. As an aside, we’ll hopefully be doing more horror,...
Our next weekday oneshot! This one is by the indie artist Komeda and has a nice vibe to it. Huggles to our new editor shielshi for picking it out =D A Happy Child (幸福なひとりの子ども)...
“My Mother and Older Sister” Haha to Ane (母と姉) by Fuyumushi Kaiko (冬虫カイコ) 1 volume manga Genre: strange dark > seinen > psychological drama Summary: A girl struggles with her identity and her relationship with...
Today we have a rather serious story about the feelings of those left behind after a suicide. Nicely dark, with some rich emotional texture. Kudos to kure and Narumi for bringing it to us....
Our next oneshot is a cute and somewhat bittersweet story about… plants. Anthropomorphized plants. This is LSD, folks. Huggles to Cpt. Mischief for editing and hahhah42 for raws! In the Rose Garden (バラの庭で) by...
OK! We’re going to have a full oneshot week, starting with a lovely Nagabe story. Another group beat us to the release, but we like our version, so make sure to check it out...
“Life is Full of Good-byes” Sayonara no Shougai (さよならの生涯) by Uchida Minoru (内田実) 1 volume collection of themed oneshots Genre: strange dark > seinen > supernatural slice of life drama romance Summary: Short stories...
Happy Easter! We have two oneshots for you today — a long, rather dark story by Sahara Mizu, and a super short fluffy one by Ayuko. This is actually the title story — and...