My Mother and Older Sister
“My Mother and Older Sister” Haha to Ane (母と姉) by Fuyumushi Kaiko (冬虫カイコ) 1 volume manga Genre: strange dark > seinen > psychological drama Summary: A girl struggles with her identity and her relationship with...
“My Mother and Older Sister” Haha to Ane (母と姉) by Fuyumushi Kaiko (冬虫カイコ) 1 volume manga Genre: strange dark > seinen > psychological drama Summary: A girl struggles with her identity and her relationship with...
Today we have a rather serious story about the feelings of those left behind after a suicide. Nicely dark, with some rich emotional texture. Kudos to kure and Narumi for bringing it to us....
OK! We’re going to have a full oneshot week, starting with a lovely Nagabe story. Another group beat us to the release, but we like our version, so make sure to check it out...
“Life is Full of Good-byes” Sayonara no Shougai (さよならの生涯) by Uchida Minoru (内田実) 1 volume collection of themed oneshots Genre: strange dark > seinen > supernatural slice of life drama romance Summary: Short stories...
Happy Easter! We have two oneshots for you today — a long, rather dark story by Sahara Mizu, and a super short fluffy one by Ayuko. This is actually the title story — and...
“Story of Carocheila” Maria-sama no Inai Machi/Na mo Naki Hitsuji-tachi no Machi (マリア様のいない町/名もなき羊たちの町) by Kasai Sui (笠井スイ) 2 volumes Genre: dark > seinen > drama, romance, slice of life Summary: The town of Carocheila. Home...
Weekday oneshot! A rather trippy sci-fi one compliments of EnKi. Enjoy! Homecoming (帰郷) by Tsurimaki Nodoka (釣巻和) & Hoshi Shinichi (星新一) Genre: strange dark > shoujo > psychological sci-fi Summary: An astronaut ponders the emptiness...
Our next weekday oneshot, brought to you by kure and IA 🙂 Short and contemplative. The Sound of Shogi (駒音) by Ikuta Yoh (幾田羊) Genre: lovely dark > seinen > slice of life Summary:...