The End

Today we have the finale of Saint Rosalind!!! Massive thanks to yanbang for sticking around and picking this back up after my long hiatus. We hope you enjoyed this very unique manga. Watanabe Masako...


Teddy Bear

A quick little follow-up to last week’s release! Enjoy~ Pinning Down Joy c04 [DL] [Read]


The Robber

Only one more chapter to go!! Saint Rosalind c16 [DL] [Read]


The Flight

I’ll let you guess what happens😏 Only two chapters left. I’m sure it’ll all turn out OK… right? Saint Rosalind c15 [DL] [Read]  


Pin Cushion

Our next new project! Pinning Down Joy (Shiawase no Machi) from one of our favorite authors, Iwaoka Hisae. It is a super wacky SOL/romance full of quirks. Ximena’s editing this cute little work, and...


The Girls

And now for the most disturbing chapter in the entire manga… ;.; Saint Rosalind c14 [DL] [Read]  


Ex-Goddess (1)

New project time! This one caught my eye a while ago, and somehow no one else started it during our hiatus, so… here we go! Slice of life, feels, humor, toddlers… and lots of...


The Mother

I’m just going to assume someone dies again 😉 Saint Rosalind c13 [DL] [Read] And I’m going to be lazy and just reuse images from now on =D