Saint Rosalind

“Saint Rosalind” Sei Rozarindo (聖ロザリンド) by Watanabe Masako (わたなべまさこ) 1 volume manga (bunko edition) Genre: dark > shoujo > psychological horror Summary: Rosalind Hathaway, an adorable 8-year-old girl with rosy cheeks and golden hair. Fair and...


Right Beside You

“Right Beside You” Kimi no Tonari (きみのとなり) by Cherry aka Mizuki Hakase (水月博士) 1 volume manga Genre: lovely dark > josei > supernatural psychological drama Summary: Yotsuya Atsushi, a high school boy with a serious problem:...


A Ghost Story

Happy Halloween, everyone! I actually totally forgot we usually do a special Halloween release, so we just managed to pull together one very cool oneshot for you (thanks to yanbang for editing~). I really...



Two lovely things for today: various friends reconnect in Sirius, and we relive the life of Ruka in Star Child. Enjoy! Star Child c02 [DL] [Read] Sirius & Mayu v02 c08 [DL] [Read]


Opening Up

Quite the belated release for this week! (Last week?) But we’ve got some good stuff for you. We’re finishing two projects! Shaft of Light ends with a quirky oneshot about a self-involved girl, lovely...


What Was Lost

So, things mostly didn’t get done this week. But! We still have a lovely Mia chapter for you. We should wrap up this little story next week. Mia – Neverland Above the Clouds c05...


And Onward

Today we have the last two little chapters of Ken to finish off the project. This is one of those rare manga that exceeded my expectations — I thought it would be disconnected slice...



We have a new little project for you today! Star Child is an adorable little manga highlighting various moments in the life of the narrator, a boy named Ruka. Another sweet and wholesome project,...


The Place Where You Belong

A trio of lovely things today 🙂 First we have the finale of Lovely — which I won’t spoil — but I hope everyone checks out this manga. It’s a great take on figuring...


Something Different

Today we have a treat! We’re starting Mia, a beautiful fantasy manhua that happens to be full color. We’ve been working on it for a while, but the whole Chinese thing tripped us up...