Round & Round
Tonight we finish off The Night Fish with a bit of a mind-bending finale. This is the author’s latest offering, so we’ll have to wait and see what she does next. Huggles to kure...
Lookit the kitty. Also, murder.
So, as you might’ve imagined from us finishing all the things, we will now be starting all the things. Two today, and four more coming pretty soon. First we have a murder mystery from...
Snake Mountain
Today we have a rather serious story about the feelings of those left behind after a suicide. Nicely dark, with some rich emotional texture. Kudos to kure and Narumi for bringing it to us....
In the Rose Garden
Our next oneshot is a cute and somewhat bittersweet story about… plants. Anthropomorphized plants. This is LSD, folks. Huggles to Cpt. Mischief for editing and hahhah42 for raws! In the Rose Garden (バラの庭で) by...