A Bud in Secret
Our next oneshot is short and sweet, compliments of kurenai and seris. A Bud in Secret (ひみつの蕾) by Shirakabe Takumi (白壁たくみ) Genre: lovely > josei > LGBTQ slice of life Summary: A young woman meets...
Waltzing at Sanzu River
Well, it’s our anniversary week. Five years old this Saturday! We decided to do something a little special, release a oneshot every day this week. The first is a dark one brought to us...
If the World Was Ending Tomorrow
Hello everyone! At the end of LGBTQ Pride Month, we have a BL-themed seinen sci-fi oneshot for you. I really like the atmosphere of this one and wanted to do it, so huggles to...
All About Love
Alrighty! Today we’re starting another oneshot collection, Planet Love. If you want cute and quirky shoujo romance, this is for you. (Nice to have a break from all the more serious things!) Hats off...
A Door Opens
A new series today! The White Book is a slice of life tale about a boy named Lucas finding a second home among an atelier of book binders. The author, Shigematsu Narumi, just has...
And something on the darker side. Huggles to Ximena and seris for editing this interesting one! Ringwanderung (リングワンデルング) by Moriizumi Takehito (森泉岳士) Genre: strange dark > seinen > psychological horror Summary: A young lady working in...